5 Minute Dark Chocolate Crunch Bars

Ingredients: ¼ cup rice crispies, ½ cup cocoa powder, ¼ cup virgin coconut oil, sweetener to taste (pure maple syrup, agave or Stevia), tiny bit of salt

Combine coconut oil and sweetener, and mix this with cocoa powder and rice crispies. Stir until thick and pour into molds or ice cube trays. Stick in the freezer until solid.

If you aren’t sold already, a recent study found that dark  chocolate significantly reduces heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, Alzheimer’ stroke- 40 distinct benefits of consuming dark chocolate have been identified! This is because cocoa is rich in anti-oxidants, and your gut is able to break down bacteria turning your dessert into anti-inflammatory compounds.(http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/03/31/dark-chocolate-health-benefits.aspx)

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